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Age in 19th century education

The nineteenth century education was often refereed to as the “common school period” this is where education went from being private to now being available to the common people. You had prominent education reformers such as Henry Barnard and Horace Mann working to create a statewide common-school system. These reformers looked for ways to increase opportunities for all children. It was argued that education could prevent crime and poverty and maintain social stability.

History of 19th century education

Living in the 21st century age is a key factor in education. We have a systematic educational system at a certain age you should be attending this school, and be in that particular grade. Whereas in the 19th century age did not matter. All grades from one to ten shared the same teacher and classroom. The teacher stayed really busy because the teacher taught a variety of students all ranging in different ages. The older students usually helped the younger students by teaching them to read, spell and write. Necessarily you did not have to be the same age as students to be in the same grade.

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